Utilizing steel reinforcing bars is a must for any modern construction project, guaranteeing the firmness and reliability of the structure. No matter if you are constructing roads, houses or even skyscrapers, every bar needs to be precisely bent and cut in accordance with standards and then tied properly for the best results. If you already have a bender and cutter, you can complete your arsenal of modern tools with an innovative rebar tying tool to eliminate manual work that can strain your muscles, bones, and joints.
Tie bars safely
Tying reinforcement steel bars is not as effortless as tying your shoelaces. The process can be back-breaking and repetitive with traditional tools like pliers and rapid forearm and hand movements, putting you at a high risk of developing repetitive strain injuries on the wrists, fingers, and hands. A rebar tying tool can save you from developing musculoskeletal disorders.
Cut costs
Shifting from a manual to a mechanical rebar-tying process can reduce the costs of worker’s insurance and other expenses associated with sick days. A high-quality tying tool is lightweight, ergonomic, and easy to use, so it does not strain the worker’s hands and arms. With an electronic extension arm, you can use the rebar tie gun without overreaching, crouching, or bending in awkward positions.
Complete projects faster
The rebar tying tool can accomplish a wrap and a knot in 0.8 to 0.6 seconds, depending on your model. One charge is enough to complete more than 4500 ties with three wraps or over 5000 ties with two wraps for an entire day. That means a reduction in downtime and the need to recharge during work hours, and you can accomplish your projects faster. The reliable tool ensures tight tie tension to secure the steel bars efficiently.
A great investment for your construction business
High-quality rebar tying tool features innovative, patented technology with dual brushless twisting and feeding motors and control systems for longer service life. Reputable suppliers sell it as a complete kit with a carry case, lithium batteries, charger, tool belt clip, and tie wire coils, so you don’t have to purchase everything separately.